Chapter XI
Captain Morgan resolving to attack and plunder the city of Puerto Bello, equips a fleet, and with little expense and small forces takes it.
SOME may think that the French having deserted Captain Morgan, the English alone could not have sufficient courage to attempt such great actions as before. But Captain Morgan, who always communicated vigour with his words, infused such spirit into his men, as put them instantly upon new designs; they being all persuaded that the sole execution of his orders would be a certain means of obtaining great riches, which so influenced their minds, that with inimitable courage they all resolved to follow him, as did also a certain pirate of Campechy, who on this occasion joined with Captain Morgan, to seek new fortunes under his conduct. Thus Captain Morgan in a few days gathered a fleet of nine sail, either ships or great boats, wherein he had four hundred and sixty military men.
All things being ready, they put forth to sea, Captain Morgan imparting his design to nobody at present; he only told them on several occasions, that he doubted not to make a good fortune by that voyage, if strange occurrences happened not. They steered towards the continent, where they arrived in a few days near Costa Rica, all their fleet safe. No sooner had they discovered land but Captain Morgan declared his intentions to the captains, and presently after to the company. He told them he intended to plunder Puerto Bello by night, being resolved to put the whole city to the sack: and to encourage them he added, this enterprise could not fail, seeing he had kept it secret, without revealing it to anybody, whereby they could not have notice of his coming. To this proposition some answered, "they had not a sufficient number of men to assault so strong and great a city." But Captain Morgan replied, "If our number is small, our hearts are great; and the fewer persons we are, the more union and better shares we shall have in the spoil." Hereupon, being stimulated with the hope of those vast riches they promised themselves from their success, they unanimously agreed to that design. Now, that my reader may better comprehend the boldness of this exploit, it may be necessary to say something beforehand of the city of Puerto Bello.
This city is in the province of Costa Rica, 10 deg. north latitude, fourteen leagues from the gulf of Darien, and eight westwards from the port called Nombre de Dios. It is judged the strongest place the king of Spain possesses in all the West Indies, except Havanna and Carthagena. Here are two castles almost impregnable, that defend the city, situate at the entry of the port, so that no ship or boat can pass without permission. The garrison consists of three hundred soldiers, and the town is inhabited by about four hundred families. The merchants dwell not here, but only reside awhile, when the galleons come from or go for Spain, by reason of the unhealthiness of the air, occasioned by vapours from the mountains; so that though their chief warehouses are at Puerto Bello, their habitations are at Panama, whence they bring the plate upon mules, when the fair begins, and when the ships belonging to the company of negroes arrive to sell slaves.
Captain Morgan, who knew very well all the avenues of this city and the neighbouring coasts, arrived in the dusk of the evening at Puerto de Naos, ten leagues to the west of Puerto Bello. Being come hither, they sailed up the river to another harbour called Puerto Pontin, where they anchored: here they put themselves into boats and canoes, leaving in the ships only a few men to bring them next day to the port. About midnight they came to a place called Estera longa Lemos, where they all went on shore, and marched by land to the first posts of the city: they had in their company an Englishman, formerly a prisoner in those parts, who now served them for a guide: to him and three or four more they gave commission to take the sentinel, if possible, or kill him on the place: but they seized him so cunningly, as he had no time to give warning with his musket, or make any noise, and brought him, with his hands bound, to Captain Morgan, who asked him how things went in the city, and what forces they had; with other circumstances he desired to know. After every question they made him a thousand menaces to kill him, if he declared not the truth. Then they advanced to the city, carrying the said sentinel bound before them: having marched about a quarter of a league, they came to the castle near the city, which presently they closely surrounded, so that no person could get either in or out.
Being posted under the walls of the castle, Captain Morgan commanded the sentinel, whom they had taken prisoner, to speak to those within, charging them to surrender to his discretion; otherwise they should all be cut in pieces, without quarter. But they regarding none of these threats, began instantly to fire, which alarmed the city; yet notwithstanding, though the governor and soldiers of the said castle made as great resistance as could be, they were forced to surrender. Having taken the castle, they resolved to be as good as their words, putting the Spaniards to the sword, thereby to strike a terror into the rest of the city. Whereupon, having shut up all the soldiers and officers as prisoners into one room, they set fire to the powder (whereof they found great quantity) and blew up the castle into the air, with all the Spaniards that were within. This done, they pursued the course of their victory, falling upon the city, which, as yet, was not ready to receive them. Many of the inhabitants cast their precious jewels and money into wells and cisterns, or hid them in places underground, to avoid, as much as possible, being totally robbed. One of the party of pirates, assigned to this purpose, ran immediately to the cloisters, and took as many religious men and women as they could find. The governor of the city, not being able to rally the citizens, through their great confusion, retired to one of the castles remaining, and thence fired incessantly at the pirates: but these were not in the least negligent either to assault him, or defend themselves, so that amidst the horror of the assault, they made very few shots in vain; for aiming with great dexterity at the mouths of the guns, the Spaniards were certain to lose one or two men every time they charged each gun anew.
This continued very furious from break of day till noon; yea, about this time of the day the case was very dubious which party should conquer, or be conquered. At last, the pirates perceiving they had lost many men, and yet advanced but little towards gaining either this, or the other castles, made use of fire-balls, which they threw with their hands, designing to burn the doors of the castles; but the Spaniards from the walls let fall great quantities of stones, and earthen pots full of powder, and other combustible matter, which forced them to desist. Captain Morgan seeing this generous defence made by the Spaniards, began to despair of success. Hereupon, many faint and calm meditations came into his mind; neither could he determine which way to turn himself in that strait. Being thus puzzled, he was suddenly animated to continue the assault, by seeing English colours put forth at one of the lesser castles, then entered by his men; of whom he presently after spied a troop coming to meet him, proclaiming victory with loud shouts of joy. This instantly put him on new resolutions of taking the rest of the castles, especially seeing the chiefest citizens were fled to them, and had conveyed thither great part of their riches, with all the plate belonging to the churches and divine service.
To this effect, he ordered ten or twelve ladders to be made in all haste, so broad, that three or four men at once might ascend them: these being finished, he commanded all the religious men and women, whom he had taken prisoners, to fix them against the walls of the castle. This he had before threatened the governor to do, if he delivered not the castle: but his answer was, "he would never surrender himself alive." Captain Morgan was persuaded the governor would not employ his utmost force, seeing the religious women, and ecclesiastical persons, exposed in the front of the soldiers to the greatest danger. Thus the ladders, as I have said, were put into the hands of religious persons of both sexes, and these were forced, at the head of the companies, to raise and apply them to the walls: but Captain Morgan was fully deceived in his judgment of this design; for the governor, who acted like a brave soldier in performance of his duty, used his utmost endeavour to destroy whosoever came near the walls. The religious men and women ceased not to cry to him, and beg of him, by all the saints of heaven, to deliver the castle, and spare both his and their own lives; but nothing could prevail with his obstinacy and fierceness. Thus many of the religious men and nuns were killed before they could fix the ladders; which at last being done, though with great loss of the said religious people, the pirates mounted them in great numbers, and with not less valour, having fire-balls in their hands, and earthen pots full of powder; all which things, being now at the top of the walls, they kindled and cast in among the Spaniards.
This effort of the pirates was very great, insomuch that the Spaniards could no longer resist nor defend the castle, which was now entered. Hereupon they all threw down their arms, and craved quarter for their lives; only the governor of the city would crave no mercy, but killed many of the pirates with his own hands, and not a few of his own soldiers; because they did not stand to their arms. And though the pirates asked him if he would have quarter; yet he constantly answered, "By no means, I had rather die as a valiant soldier, than be hanged as a coward." They endeavoured as much as they could to take him prisoner, but he defended himself so obstinately, that they were forced to kill him, notwithstanding all the cries and tears of his own wife and daughter, who begged him, on their knees, to demand quarter, and save his life. When the pirates had possessed themselves of the castle, which was about night, they enclosed therein all the prisoners, placing the women and men by themselves, with some guards: the wounded were put in an apartment by itself, that their own complaints might be the cure of their diseases; for no other was afforded them.
This done, they fell to eating and drinking, as usual; that is, committing in both all manner of debauchery and excess, so that fifty courageous men might easily have retaken the city, and killed all the pirates. Next day, having plundered all they could find, they examined some of the prisoners (who had been persuaded by their companions to say they were the richest of the town), charging them severely to discover where they had hid their riches and goods. Not being able to extort anything from them, they not being the right persons, it was resolved to torture them: this they did so cruelly, that many of them died on the rack, or presently after. Now the president of Panama being advertised of the pillage and ruin of Puerto Bello, he employed all his care and industry to raise forces to pursue and cast out the pirates thence; but these cared little for his preparations, having their ships at hand, and determining to fire the city, and retreat. They had now been at Puerto Bello fifteen days, in which time they had lost many of their men, both by the unhealthiness of the country, and their extravagant debaucheries.
Hereupon, they prepared to depart, carrying on board all the pillage they had got, having first provided the fleet with sufficient victuals for the voyage. While these things were doing, Captain Morgan demanded of the prisoners a ransom for the city, or else he would burn it down, and blow up all the castles; withal, he commanded them to send speedily two persons, to procure the sum, which was 100,000 pieces of eight. To this effect two men were sent to the president of Panama, who gave him an account of all. The president, having now a body of men ready, set forth towards Puerto Bello, to encounter the pirates before their retreat; but, they, hearing of his coming, instead of flying away, went out to meet him at a narrow passage, which he must pass: here they placed a hundred men, very well armed, which at the first encounter put to flight a good party of those of Panama. This obliged the president to retire for that time, not being yet in a posture of strength to proceed farther. Presently after, he sent a message to Captain Morgan, to tell him, "that if he departed not suddenly with all his forces from Puerto Bello, he ought to expect no quarter for himself, nor his companions, when he should take them, as he hoped soon to do." Captain Morgan, who feared not his threats, knowing he had a secure retreat in his ships, which were at hand, answered, "he would not deliver the castles, before he had received the contribution money he had demanded; which if it were not paid down, he would certainly burn the whole city, and then leave it, demolishing beforehand the castles, and killing the prisoners."
The governor of Panama perceived by this answer that no means would serve to mollify the hearts of the pirates, nor reduce them to reason: hereupon, he determined to leave them, as also those of the city whom he came to relieve, involved in the difficulties of making the best agreement they could. Thus in a few days more the miserable citizens gathered the contributions required, and brought 100,000 pieces of eight to the pirates for a ransom of their cruel captivity: but the president of Panama was much amazed to consider that four hundred men could take such a great city, with so many strong castles, especially having no ordnance, wherewith to raise batteries, and, what was more, knowing the citizens of Puerto Bello had always great repute of being good soldiers themselves, and who never wanted courage in their own defence. This astonishment was so great, as made him send to Captain Morgan, desiring some small pattern of those arms wherewith he had taken with much vigour so great a city. Captain Morgan received this messenger very kindly, and with great civility; and gave him a pistol, and a few small bullets, to carry back to the president his master; telling him, withal, "he desired him to accept that slender pattern of the arms wherewith he had taken Puerto Bello, and keep them for a twelvemonth; after which time he promised to come to Panama, and fetch them away." The governor returned the present very soon to Captain Morgan, giving him thanks for the favour of lending him such weapons as he needed not; and, withal, sent him a ring of gold, with this message, "that he desired him not to give himself the labour of coming to Panama, as he had done to Puerto Bello: for he did assure him, he should not speed so well here, as he had done there."
After this, Captain Morgan (having provided his fleet with all necessaries, and taken with him the best guns of the castles, nailing up the rest) set sail from Puerto Bello with all his ships, and arriving in a few days at Cuba, he sought out a place wherein he might quickly make the dividend of their spoil. They found in ready money 250,000 pieces of eight, besides other merchandises; as cloth, linen, silks, &c. With this rich purchase they sailed thence to their common place of rendezvous, Jamaica. Being arrived, they passed here some time in all sorts of vices and debaucheries, according to their custom; spending very prodigally what others had gained with no small labour and toil.
VII. Ожидание
Побег из ГУЛАГа. Часть 1. VII. Ожидание
Что значит ждать ареста, тюрьмы и почти верной смерти, когда ни в чем не виноват, — знают только советские граждане. После расстрела «48» все ходили, как отравленные, оглядываясь на каждом шагу, вздрагивая от каждого стука, ко всему прислушиваясь, всего пугаясь. День проходил еще так-сяк. Какая-то работа производилась из последних сил или давалась рывком, с надрывом, чтобы забыться и оглушить себя хоть чем-нибудь. В четыре часа чувствовалось какое-то облегчение: на службе не арестовали, можно еще раз пойти домой. А дома еще более тошно: и комнаты, и вещи — все кажется враждебным и чужим в своем холодном равнодушии к людским переживаниям. Приходит муж, приходит сын, а кажется, в последний раз их видишь вместе, в последний раз садишься за обед, и каждый кусок стоит комом в горле: то вспоминаются друзья, так неожиданно погибшие, то смотришь на мужа, пытаясь угадать, на сколько дней он еще жив и цел. Мальчик испуганно следит за нами. Он знает, что убиты те, кого он так недавно видел здоровыми, веселыми, кто приходил, шутил с ним, но как, за что убиты, — понять не может. Осиротевшая, притихшая девочка сидит рядом с ним, всем своим видом напоминая о страшном деле. Вечером ему жутко оставаться одному. — Ты посидишь? — смотрит он жалобно. — Конечно, посижу, ложись. Он прячется в постель, мы говорим о чем-то постороннем, потом молчим, скрывая свои мысли друг от друга.
Chapter XIII
The voyage of the Beagle. Chapter XIII. Chiloe and Chonos Islands
Chiloe General Aspect Boat Excursion Native Indians Castro Tame Fox Ascend San Pedro Chonos Archipelago Peninsula of Tres Montes Granitic Range Boat-wrecked Sailors Low's Harbour Wild Potato Formation of Peat Myopotamus, Otter and Mice Cheucau and Barking-bird Opetiorhynchus Singular Character of Ornithology Petrels NOVEMBER 10th.—The Beagle sailed from Valparaiso to the south, for the purpose of surveying the southern part of Chile, the island of Chiloe, and the broken land called the Chonos Archipelago, as far south as the Peninsula of Tres Montes. On the 21st we anchored in the bay of S. Carlos, the capital of Chiloe. This island is about ninety miles long, with a breadth of rather less than thirty. The land is hilly, but not mountainous, and is covered by one great forest, except where a few green patches have been cleared round the thatched cottages. From a distance the view somewhat resembles that of Tierra del Fuego; but the woods, when seen nearer, are incomparably more beautiful. Many kinds of fine evergreen trees, and plants with a tropical character, here take the place of the gloomy beech of the southern shores. In winter the climate is detestable, and in summer it is only a little better. I should think there are few parts of the world, within the temperate regions, where so much rain falls. The winds are very boisterous, and the sky almost always clouded: to have a week of fine weather is something wonderful.
Короли подплава в море червонных валетов. Приложение
Таблица 1. Тактико-технические характеристики первых советских подводных лодок, находившихся на вооружении с 1917 по 1941 г. [ Открыть таблицу в новом окне ] Имя, тип (количество единиц, названия лодок), годы вступления в строй и окончания службы Водоизмещение, т Длина, м Ширина, м Осадка, м Скорость хода надв./подв., уз Дальность плавания надв./подв. ходами, мили Глубина погружения, м (время погружения, мин) Вооружение торпедные аппараты: Н — носовые К — кормовые Дж — Джевецкого торпеды мины артиллерия: АУ — артустановка, пул. — пулемет «Минога»1909–1920 123 32,6 2,75 2,75 11/5 900/25 50 (2,5) 2Н 2 — 1–37 мм АУ т. «Касатка» (4) 1904–1905–1920 («Касатка», «Макрель», «Окунь», «Шереметев») 140 33,5 3,39 2,8 8,5/5,5 700/30 50 (3–4) 4Дж 4 — 1 — пул. т.
Глава 20
Сквозь ад русской революции. Воспоминания гардемарина. 1914–1919. Глава 20
Советская Россия и Финляндия – два различных мира. Два народа, жившие рядом, не имели точек соприкосновения и надежных средств сообщения. Контраст был поразительным. После двух лет лицезрения грязных, неряшливых красноармейцев чистенькая, аккуратная военная форма финнов радовала глаз. Смена опасного, неопрятного, запущенного Петрограда на безупречно чистую финскую деревушку оказывала умиротворяющее воздействие. Простой деревянный дом, в котором размещалась комендантская служба, был безукоризненно опрятным: пол, окна, сосновые скамейки – все сияло чистотой. Комендант, молодой розовощекий лейтенант, принимал каждого беженца из советской России по одному. Когда я сидел перед дверью его кабинета, ожидая вызова, вошел наш проводник. Все финские солдаты, видимо, были с ним знакомы. Из обрывков разговора, которые удалось услышать, я убедился, что помимо сопровождения людей из России в Финляндию, проводник передавал финской стороне и разведывательные данные. Проводник подошел, вручил мне пакет и сказал: – Здесь пятьсот марок… Где мой револьвер? Я передал ему оружие. – Если вам захочется вернуться, лейтенант скажет, где меня найти. – Сомневаюсь, что захочется, но если все же я передумаю, то постараюсь вас отыскать. Никто не поможет в этом деле лучше. Впервые за наше непродолжительное знакомство на лице проводника появилось нечто вроде улыбки. Очевидно, сказанное польстило его профессиональной гордости. Мы обменялись рукопожатием, и он ушел. Беседа с комендантом длилась недолго. Он задал мне несколько вопросов и записал ответы в карточку.
Lower Paleolithic
Lower Paleolithic : from 2.6 million to 300 000 years before present
Lower Paleolithic : from 2.6 million to 300 000 years before present.
Часть III. Обзор эволюции подводных сил СССР (1935-1941 гг.) [127]
Короли подплава в море червонных валетов. Часть III. Обзор эволюции подводных сил СССР (1935–1941 гг.)
13. Мы все учились понемногу... Судмедэксперт Возрожденный как зеркало советской судебной медицины
Перевал Дятлова. Смерть, идущая по следу... 13. Мы все учились понемногу... Судмедэксперт Возрожденный как зеркало советской судебной медицины
Требования к полноте судебно-медицинского исследования тела погибшего человека менялось сообразно развитию медицины вообще и судебной медицины в частности. Сейчас в широком доступе находятся, например, протоколы вскрытия тел отца Наполеона (1785 г.), самого Наполеона (1823 г.) и Андрея Ющинского (1911 г.), того самого мальчика, чья трагическая гибель инициировала широко известное "дело Бейлиса". По этим документам можно проследить развитие судебно-медицинских представлений о полноте посмертного изучения человеческого тела и реконструкции причин, обусловивших его смерть. В царской России анатомирование погибших насильственной смертью с целью установления причин смерти было введено законодательно в 1809 г. постановлением Сената (для военнослужащих эту дату следует отодвинуть почти на век - в 1716 г. - но в рамках нашего исследования подобное уточнение совершенно несущественно). В Советской России установление единообразия и наведение порядка в деле судебно-медицинского обеспечения деятельности правоохранительных органов, началось во второй половине 20-х гг. прошлого столетия. В 1928 г. появились "Правила для составления заключения о тяжести повреждения", описывающие порядок прохождения судебно-медицинской экспертизы живым человеком. На следующий год появились "Правила судебномедицинского исследования трупов". Чуть позже - в 1934 г. - советская бюрократическая машина родила "Правила амбулаторного судебно-медицинского акушерско-гинекологического исследования", документ, ориентированный на борьбу с криминальными абортами. Дело заключалось в том, что тогда аборты были запрещены законодательно и, соотвественно, все они стали криминальными (за исключением особо оговоренных случаев).
7. В «Рыбпром»
Записки «вредителя». Часть III. Концлагерь. 7. В «Рыбпром»
Первый мой выход на работу в Кеми был особенный. С моим пропуском в канцелярии коменданта Вечеракши вышла какая-то задержка, и когда я получил, наконец, пропуск, партию уже увели в город, поэтому меня отправили на работу одного. Не могу передать того странного чувства, которое я испытывал, идя по улице один, без конвойного за спиной, в первый раз после десяти месяцев тюрьмы. Идти надо было около двух километров. Целых полчаса я мог располагать собой, как хотел. Чтобы острее чувствовать свою «свободу», я шел то быстро, то замедлял шаг, то даже приостанавливался. Я мог это делать по своему желанию, и никто при этом грозно не кричал на меня сзади. С трудом я удерживал себя от желания все время оглядываться назад, чтобы лишний раз убедиться, что никто не следует за мной по пятам. Правда, я шлепал по грязи, среди улицы, так как знал, что в Кеми каждый охранник, который меня встретит на тротуаре, может отправить меня в карцер. Чтобы продлить свою свободную прогулку, я шел медленно и несколько раз переходил с одной стороны улицы на другую. ГПУ ничем не рисковало, выпуская меня без конвоя. Одет я был в арестантское платье, ни провизии, ни денег у меня не было. Не только в самой Кеми, но и на шоссе, ведущем к железнодорожной станции, и на всех прилегающих дорогах, масса охранников ГПУ. Наконец, жена была в их руках, в тюрьме на Шпалерной, сын был тоже в Петербурге. Если бы я бежал, их, несомненно, рассматривали бы как заложников. Шел я по знакомым местам. Мне приходилось и раньше бывать в Кеми во время исследовательских работ на Белом море. Кемь — город только по названию и мало чем отличается от поморских сел. Городских домов в Кеми нет.
The pirates of Panama or The buccaneers of America
John Esquemeling : New York, Frederick A. Stokes company publishers, 1914
A true account of the famous adventures and daring deeds of Sir Henry Morgan and other notorious freebooters of the Spanish main by John Esquemeling, one of the buccaneers who was present at those tragedies. Contents
Часть I. Время террора
Записки «вредителя». Часть I. Время террора
Глава 26
Сквозь ад русской революции. Воспоминания гардемарина. 1914–1919. Глава 26
Вскоре после отступления Генштаб реорганизовал армию. Были проведены перестановки в командном составе, слияния дивизий и полков, созданы новые воинские части. Во многом претерпел изменения и весь личный состав. Я не удивился, когда получил приказ о переводе с бронепоезда во вновь формируемый танковый батальон. Расставание с приятелями-офицерами и командой бронепоезда, конечно, опечалило, но перспектива службы в танковом подразделении казалась заманчивой. В моем случае на перевод в другую воинскую часть повлияли два фактора: во-первых, желание моих флотских друзей, уже находящихся при танках, чтобы я проходил службу вместе с ними; во-вторых, мое знание английского языка на рабочем уровне. Три больших тяжелых танка и два легких представляли собой весомый вклад союзников в Северо-западную армию. Будучи новейшим вооружением, еще не использовавшимся в России, танки прибыли в сопровождении 40 британских офицеров и солдат. Идея состояла в том, что, пока русские не научатся управлять машинами, их экипажи будут формироваться наполовину из англичан. Формирование такого подразделения – сложная проблема, но отношения между русскими и англичанами изначально отличались дружелюбием, уже после первой недели между ними возникла взаимная искренняя симпатия. Большей частью это было заслугой полковника из Южной Африки и русского флотского капитана. Оба олицетворяли лучшие качества боевого офицерства своих стран. Русские отдавали должное мотивам, которые побудили британских офицеров добровольно включиться в борьбу с большевиками, англичане, в свою очередь, относились к русским чутко и тактично.
Местечковые страсти в чеченских горах
Великая оболганная война-2. Нам не за что каяться! Сборник. Ред.-сост. А. Дюков: М., Яуза, Эксмо, 2008
Аннотация издательства: Наши враги - и внешние, и внутренние - покушаются на самое святое - на народную память о Великой Отечественной войне. Нас пытаются лишить Великой Победы. Вторя геббельсовской пропаганде, псевдоисторики внушают нам, что Победа-де была достигнута «слишком дорогой ценой», что она якобы обернулась «порабощением Восточной Европы», что солдаты Красной Армии будто бы «изнасиловали Германию», а советских граждан, переживших немецкую оккупацию, чуть ли не поголовно сослали в Сибирь. Враги приравнивают Советский Союз к нацистскому Рейху, советских солдат - к фашистским карателям. И вот уже от нашей страны требуют «платить и каяться», советскую символику запрещают наравне с нацистской, а памятники воинам-освободителям в Восточной Европе под угрозой сноса... Но нам не за что каяться! Эта книга - отповедь клеветникам, опровержение самых грязных, самых лживых мифов о Великой Отечественной войне, распространяемых врагами России.